San Antonio Horrific Film Fest













1. All vendor tables must not be left unattended at any time.

2. Vendor tables must remain open throughout festival hours. Tables may be dismantled at the end of the festival.

Vendors Hours:

Thursday 6:00 P.M.-12:00 Midnight

Friday 12:00 Noon -12:00 Midnight

Saturday 12:00 Noon -12:00 Midnight

Sunday 12:00 Noon - 5:00 P.M.

3.Electricity will be provided free to all vendors at the festival.  However vendors are responsible for their own cords and other miscellaneous items required to operate their table.

4. No pornographic, illegal, stolen or copyrighted merchandise will be permitted at the Horrific Film Fest. Vendors in violation will be asked to leave the festival, will not be reimbursed and will not be allowed to participate in any future Horrific Film Festivals.

5. All vendors need to keep their area clean at all times. Please bring your own trash bags to collect your garbage and food. We need to keep the facility clean at all times.

6. Each vendor will receive up to two complimentary Dealer Passes (wristbands; no exceptions)

7. Exhibitors agree to hold harmless Ortiz Entertainment & The Darkness and any of its production partners from loss or damage of merchandise or injury sustained during attendance at the Horrific Film Fest for the duration of the event. Ortiz Entertainment & The Darkness takes no responsibility for items lost or stolen during these hours. It is up to vendors to carry insurance for their goods.

8. Promotion of a similar genre event at the Horrific Film Fest without the authorization of Ortiz Entertainment & The Darkness is strictly prohibited. Vendors promoting other events without permission will result in booth closure without refund.

Vendor Submission Form

 VENDORS TABLE $100.00 ALL 4 DAYS!!!!!!!!!


For more information, contact George Ortiz at .

© 2007 - 2009 Ortiz Entertainment & THE DARKNESS  

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Last updated on 06/16/2013 21:28:15